About Us

The Wirral Allotment Society (WAS) is an organisation established under the National Allotment Society (NAS), the nationally recognised representative body for all allotment holders. Membership is free and is open to open to all Wirral plotholders, including those on non-council sites, and those seeking to obtain a plot.

Our Aims:

  • to inform Wirral residents about the benefits of allotments,

  • to assist them in obtaining an allotment plot,

  • to help to improve allotment sites via establishing societies.

  • to give a source of advice/guidance on allotment related subjects, and any problems that may be faced by plotholders or prospective plotholders.

  • to advise on the pros and cons of self management (but it is not our role to encourage sites to do so).


The WAS is part of Wirral Council's consultation process in seeking the effective, efficient and economic management of Wirral's allotment sites, and we work with the local council and their allotment site secretaries to help bring about these improvements.


We hold meetings on a range allotment related topics including how to obtain funding for your site or to establish a new site. These meetings are free and will help you keep in touch with what is happening both locally and nationally.


We encourage all of our members to join the National Allotment Society for more information on the NAS and the benefits of membership, see their website at www.nsalg.org.uk


We plan to organise trips to events and places that we hope will be of interest to people interested in allotments and "growing your own".


You can join in with allotment related discussions on our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/groups/444492162358104).

A copy of the Constitution of the WAS is available via either of the contacts listed below.

Please feel free to contact our Secretary email wirralallotments.sec@gmail.com or our Chairman Dave Morris, telephone 0151 512 3882 email davejmorris49@hotmail.com